E-Commerce Solution
E-Commerce Solution
Want to Grow up you bussiness.?
We shall develop a solution in E-Commerce to grow your business more.!!!
Ecommerce website design and development has seen a high growth in the past few years in India due to a variety of factors. India being the emerging web market has a lot of potential and every foreign ecommerce website is entering India for its financial prosperity. Ecommerce shopping has a huge advantage over the normal purchasing due to many factors. Convenience factor being one of the prime reasons for this tremendous growth in India. Sitting at your leisure and buying or selling products on a website has never been easier than the present day era. Ecommerce website users also get a huge variety of products to choose from and can also scan through the products quicker. User ratings and user reviews have made a huge impact among ecommerce buyers and sellers mindset towards products and their popularity in these ecommerce websites. Ecommerce websites have also made bargaining easier and primarily saves a lot of time shopping.

'Portal' can be defined as a wide collection of services and resources such as online shopping, news, e-mails, customer forums, search options. The main objective of such tool is to generate maximum traffic by incorporating latest updates thus, earning them revenues from advertising and online selling products.
Vortal Development
A website that includes all sorts of information regarding a particular profession or industry can be termed as "Vortal". These may include news, discussions, online tools, newsletters and other such options that cater to the consumer's preferences.
Over the years, the reach of internet has grown to limits beyond almost every expected level. One of most common reasons for people to use internet as a medium include info, shopping, music etc. But Shopping over the internet is one activity that has gained momentum in very strong manner. It has been found that over 46% of searches over the search engines are for seeking product information and services.
E-commerce websites are one of the leading technologies which concentrate on the online buying and selling of products. Basically, e-commerce sites can be classified on the basis of their working nature, these include:
1.B2B Applications: Business to Business applications are the ones which completely focus on the idea of expanding business potential through partnerships.
2.B2C Applications: Business to Customer applications are the having simpler ideology of working. These concentrate on the idea of direct buying and selling between users.
The main difference between B2B and B2C Applications from the technical point of view include:
1.In the B2B transactions it involves a lot more bargain in prices and product's delivery which is not the case with the B2C applications.
2.B2B applications require a lot more security levels.
3.Also, using the B2B applications retailers do not require integration with customer's systems.